Human Rights
“Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.”
Co-Founder, with Jerry Rubin of the Youth International Party in the USA, 1968. Known as the Yippies. A lifelong radical anti-war proponent of trying to get ‘the machine to stumble.’
Links to an original 1968 video and the Wikipedia site with lots of info about Abbie.
Action Agenda – Netherlands’activities and links including the ‘Action Bank’ to ‘make a better world’. Lots of ideas that can work anywhere…
Website of the Activist Security collective. The purpose of is to provide a home for some of publications on practical security for activists and campaigners, all of which are free to download. UK-framed, but of relevance to all.
AK Press is a UK-based workers’ collective publishing and distributing radical publications and material. The site also includes interesting articles about collectives and anarchism in practice.
Alan Lodge, better known as Tash. This is his portal to extensive sites featuring photos, words and more about festivals, Travellers, environmental protests and more. Mainly UK.
Modern nomads in the US of A.
BBC documentary meeting and exploring the dream of nomadism. “Sleeping in the dirt.” “Unplanned journeys on the serendipity of the road.” “Freedom and hardship.” “Girls selling blowjobs.” Enlightening, real and unsettling.
Amnesty International is a major mover and shaker in a world that grows weary of conflicts.
They say: “Through our detailed research and determined campaigning, we help fight abuses of human rights worldwide. We bring torturers to justice. Change oppressive laws. And free people jailed just for voicing their opinion.”
The Anarchist Library. Lots of ‘stuff’, but a bit messy. Includes link to the wiki-bookshelf.
Andy Worthington. An investigative journalist and author and activist. Books include Stonehenge and battle of the Beanfield. An expert on Guantanamo Bay.
Anonymous Official facebook and youtube sites for the many activists across the world who use this umbrella faceless non-organisation. They want to change the world!