Free Fugitive Cultural Spaces
An actual update about the situation in Europe’s Heartland. We read, see and think about the nomadic effort so many people took to reach the European mainland. Lots of them have fled from the games-that-people-play in the Arabic World, some of us fear that the canceled World War III might evolve into a Civil War. But the Germans have already lived through both types of war! The situation is actually pretty hope-giving.
Despite of individual conflicts, fears that are just or are just part of the hype, it’s going in the good direction. The culture of the Evening and the Night-continents are both getting into the Light. What makes us different is the color of our skin. Not many animals seem to have this, let alone genetic experiments from the past or miracles of nature. We have it by the force of mixing, and this is part of the essence of history. The worldwide mix that’s taking place, is a milestone in history.
We have also seen war before. In past lives or maybe even in our own country. The tenor, or the way that our species is getting harmonized, is that we all believe in something. Nordic friends of our band, would call this A TING. But without evangelizing an omega=message, you can be sure that what’s happening in the central-european country is illustrative of the solution for the refugee-problem. It is not a problem in a classical sence.
Political sensitivity is a fashionable thing of the late 20th and early 21st Century. Some of us are fed up with this and seek new ways to utter themselves. Think of the Pegida-movement, that is partly popular, partly xenofobic, but neither left nor right. Some muslims do terrible things, to one another or to foreigners to them. It doesn’t really matter in what country you were born to see the light in each others faces or eyes. Old news for most of us!
What is so fascinating is that if you put on your ‘futurological glasses’ you can think of the opportunities there are with so much fresh blood. Thinking about war, this sounds negative. But if you would stimulate the creative aspect that resides in every soul, fresh blood is painting with rainbowcolours! Therefor, what’s evolving in Europe’s Heartland is that countless new free cultural spaces (the exterior kind of) have been put in every village with governmental finance behind it!
Countless hearts and minds shape our future into being. Our club is a modest contribution to unification in a broader sence than under Yin Yang, Xess Xava, or Zuper Zelfish-money walking into oblivion. Nobody should be afraid of Islam, because nobody really knows what it was way back when. Just as Boeddha-the-Prophet wasn’t the inventor of Buddhism, islamism isn’t the purpose of Faith. It’s just an extra day-off in the New Calendar.
Freeport Doel, 2016-02-16.
Translation into German available will soon be available ON this site. But who knows a bit Kurdish to send this to Turkey? Check the Forum, we will all join in later or see one another somewhere in the Bush-Bush in 2020 … tnx
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