Futurological Symposium 2017 at ADM – Amsterdam

By: Aja Waalwijk
After three annual recurring symposia in Ruigoord and three in Boom-Land in Portugal, Christiania in Denmark and the Republic of Uzupis in Lithuania, the initiators again focus on Amsterdam. Selected this time is the ADM in Westpoort, one of the few pearls of freedom that is still present in the city.
The aim is to come up with a number of concrete proposals regarding alternatives for an again liveable and creative city. The preservation of the last free cultural spaces in the margin is at stake, but attention to a creative drip for the city center is also required according to the organizers. It is not just about Amsterdam. The statement to be made about the importance of new free cultural spaces in the inner cities will be sent to the municipal councils of various major cities at home and abroad. In addition to the manifestation on the ADM terrain, making a statement in the city itself is also considered, so that other people may be infected with the ‘freedom virus’.
There are free cultural spaces of all kinds. Breeding spaces focus on living / working spaces for artists, designers and creators. But mini societies, such as on the ADM, consist of people of different backgrounds. Just like in Ruigoord there is art and there is a festival culture. Only on the ADM is not everyone ‘artist’, but especially ‘life artist’.
Disneyland is closer than you think. The city center is an affluent consumer paradise. There is no vagabond to be seen and no one makes a drawing on the pavement anymore. Lost tourists are still searching for the magic of places like Slangenpand (=> snake house), Schijnheilig, Plein Werker, Zebra House, Kalendarpanden, Huize Chaos, Uilenburgt, Pampus, Wijers or Aorta; Places that once allowed the city to bust, thereby giving the imago of Magic Center of Amsterdam form and content. Amsterdam is barren without an actual story. Everyone knows: a city without life is doomed.
The symposium is part of the ADM festival on 12, 13 and 14 October. Participants are the Culturele Stelling (=> Cultural Barricade) of Amsterdam, consisting of some thirty free intercultural spaces such as Domijn, Ruigoord, Zaal 100, OT301, Tetterode, Bajesdorp, Urban Resort, Nieuw and Meer, Rijkshemelvaart and Nieuwland. Also included are: Christiania in Copenhagen, Gangenviertel Hamburg, Autonomedia New York, Doel near Antwerp, Republic of Uzupis in Vilnius, Institut for X in Arhus, Het Poortgebouw (The Gate Building) in Rotterdam, De Vrijplaats (=> Te Free space) in Leiden and het Landbouwbelang (=> the Agricultural Interest) in Maastricht. (to be continued)
By: Eric Duivenvoorden
Such a space to play was always to be found in Amsterdam in the countless places where decades ago a certain amount of being against the grain, set the tone. In the free space of the city everything could be done which elsewhere wasn’t possible. It created a cultural and creative climate that exercised an irresistible appeal on many. From far away places, they were attracted: the artists, dare devils, inventors, vagabonds, creators and other strange birds. They let the city flourish and spread the fame of the Magic Center Amsterdam around the world.
But now the city is threatened with going under by its own success. The once-so-powerful life line is squished by the relentless growth of negligent city abusers. What remains of that free cultural place where Amsterdam was once so famous for? Only a few enclaves are still there, the majority far away, outside of the city.
It’s time to get some space back in the middle of the city.
Text to introduce the Futorological Symposium – ADM Amsterdam in October 2017
Amsterdam Fair City, www.faircity.amsterdam
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