This is a real ‘web’, just like a spider’s – a place of connections – ideas – information – of dreams!
Our aim is to make it a Web of Hubs for alternative and free cultural spaces and people
The website is under the custodianship of a loose collective of individuals based in different countries around the world.
Find out a bit about us – meet the collective.
The idea is to provide a loose-knit, non-hierarchical, web-based resource network for a wide range of what we are calling ‘Free Cultural Spaces’ (FCS). They wouldn’t necessarily use that term to describe themselves, but we need a simple, non-threatening term!
As it develops, we hope that the Web of Hubs will contain links for, and between people and places:
- free cultural art and living spaces,
- free/alternative festivals, party and dance communities (and their creators),
- squats, ex-squats and similar interventions/spaces,
- Travellers/nomadic free spirits,
- intentional communities and co-housing networks,
- permaculture, eco-villages and organic farms,
- eco-activists, anarcho-liberationists and animateurs,
- free and radical educational experimenters,
- free/alternative cultural media and ‘hive-minds’,
- diggers and dreamers, seekers, Utopians and similar networks.